Language Course

* Overview

Course Class TEST
Basic 1:1(3) + Group(2) ESL:
Level -> Monthly Test(TOEIC) -> PT
TOEIC . IELTS: Level -> Daily -> Weekly -> Monthly Mock test
Monthly test : TOEIC. IELTS + Interview (must do)
PT – 1 time at the end of studying (must do)
Power Speaking 1:1(4) + Group(3)
Power Speaking 1:1(5) + Group(2)
Pre-TOEIC . IELTS 1:1(3) + Group(4)
Score Guarantee 1:1(3) + Group(4)
Study + Golf 1:1(3) + Golf
Study + Tour Class + Tour + Golf + Boracay

* Participation in GITC degree course classes (local student classes) / free / within group class hours

* Evening class (Free / 45 minutes from Monday to Thursday: 17:00 to 17:45)
* Self Study 2hr (Sunday-Thursday 2 hours: 20:00-22:00)
* 1:1 class can be added 150 USD / 1 class / 4 Weeks.

General English

Course Details
Basic * Course : 1:1(3) + Group(2)
* Purpose : Improving practical speaking skills + Enjoy leisure time (Golf . Tour)
* Target : Complete beginners. Those traveling abroad. Anyone who wants to speak up.
Regular * Course : 1:1(4) + Group(3)
* Purpose : Improving practical speaking skills
* Target : Complete beginners. Those traveling abroad. Anyone who wants to speak up.
Power Speaking * Course : 1:1(5) + Group(2)
* Purpose : To open up speech in a short period of time
* Target : Complete beginners. Those traveling abroad.
Anyone who wants to speak up.
GITC College
Degree Class

* Participation in GITC degree course classes (local student classes) / free / within group class hours

* Choice of Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management subjects
* Can be taken instead of Group classes
* Credit recognition possible : Requires confirmation from the university in the home country
Manual PDF [EN]
Manual PDF [KR]
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